17 Jun 2024
Pope Francis shows solidarity with victims of Iran earthquake, asks for prayers
April 10, 2013. (Romereports.com)Greeting pilgrims of all ages on board the Popemobile, Pope Francis began his third general audience. He showed his solidarity with thevictims of a 6.3 earthquake in Iranthat killed 37 people. The Pope asked for prayers for them.
I have followed the news of the strong earthquake that hit southern Iran and caused many deaths, more injured and much damage. I pray for the victims and express my solidarity with the people affected by this calamity. Let us pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Iran.

During the audience,the Pope also spoke in Spanishfor the very first time, making it the second language, other than Italian, used for his speeches.

Pope Francis explained that the resurrection of Christ is the basis of Christianity. He triumphed over death and brought to new life. Without that, there would be no faith.

This is the greatest gift from Christ's Easter Mystery. God treats us as his children, he understands us, forgives us. He embraces us and loves us, even when we are wrong.

The Pope recalled that with Baptism, Christians are also reborn because they become sons of God. This relationship must be nurtured each day through prayer, the Sacraments and charity.

In addition,Pope Francis added that being a Christian is not just about following moral rules.

Being a Christian is not solely reduced to abiding by the commandments. It is to be like Christ, to think, act and love like Him. Letting Him take possession of our existence so that he can change it, transform it, and free it from the shadows of evil and sin. Those who ask for a reason for our hope, let us show them Christ, resuscitated, and let us do so through his Word, but above all, with our resurrected lives.

Among the pilgrims present were the players of thePope's favorite soccer team.

...And to the group form the Athletic Club of San Lorenzo of Almagro, from Buenos Aires. That is very important.

Some30,000 people showed up to the audience at St. Peter's Square with Pope Francis, whom they welcomed and said goodbye to beat of drums.

Speaking to all, the Pope urged them not to lose hope from failures and mistakes, because God forgives those who ask for it.

ByRome Reports


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