27 Jul 2024
Saturday 30 March 2013 - 14:29
Story Code : 23282

Iran slams Western support for Israel’s nuclear weapons

Iran’s top delegate to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly has blasted world powers for rewarding the Israeli regime’s unchecked possession of atomic arms but penalizing nations committed to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
Addressing the 128th IPU Assembly in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito, the head of Iran’s Majlis delegation to the event, Moayed Hosseini Sadr, expressed amazement at the double-standard and selective policies of global powers in rewarding regimes that have refused to sign the NPT while penalizing committed signatories. He described the approach as “strange and mind-boggling.”

Insisting that nuclear disarmament should become the top priority of the international community while the rights of NPT members in peaceful production and consumption of nuclear fuel and energy are fully preserved, Sadr pointed to the “unconditional and permanent” support extended to the Zionist regime by the United States and some Western governments despite its possession of “hundreds of nuclear warheads” and disregard for international treaties.

He added, however, that the Islamic Republic of Iran, as an NPT member, was subjected to various pressures and illegitimate sanctions by the same Western powers under the false pretext of ‘possible diversions’ in its peaceful nuclear activities, raised without producing any evidence.
The Iranian official also reiterated that according to Islamic principles and the edict of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, any effort towards production, proliferation and use of nuclear arms was religiously forbidden.
Sadr also called on the IPU to defend the legal rights of members of the NPT and place the issue on the agenda of its future meetings.

Separately, Sadr addressed the issue of the crisis in Syria and said the turmoil did not have a military solution, adding that any foreign intervention would deteriorate the existing situation there.

Emphasizing the need for dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition as the only logical path to resolving the crisis, the Iranian lawmaker said Iran supported current efforts of the United Nations special envoy to Syria and called for an immediate ceasefire and a halt to supporting armed groups within the country as well as the termination of sanctions against the key Middle Eastern nation.

The IPU Assembly in Quito brought together nearly 1,300 delegates, including about 630 lawmakers from 121 countries.

By Press TV


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