27 Jul 2024
Tuesday 16 August 2016 - 17:32
Story Code : 227210

SNSC official: Iran, Russia cooperation on Syria strategic

Tehran, Aug 16, IRNA - Secretary of Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said on Tuesday that Iran and Russia enjoy strategic cooperation on campaign against terrorism in Syria and shared facilities.

Shamkhani made the remarks in an exclusive interview with IRNA commenting on the latest political, security and military developments in the region.

He said that the only way to counter threats posed by terrorism and maintain independence and security of the Islamic states in light of doctrine of people-oriented resistance to violence.

Marking the victory anniversary of the Lebanese resistance to Israeli aggression on Lebanon in 33-day conflict against the Israeli armed-to-the teeth army, Shamkhani said the resistance and Hezbollah of Lebanon take their power from their popular nature and from using local capacities and Islamic spirit to thwart the Israeli aggression.

Now that the region is affected by conspiracy of terrorism and Daesh (ISIS) extremist thoughts, it is important more than ever to rely on the power of popular resistance and invest in generating local forces to establish and maintain security, Shamkhani said.

Elaborating on the notion of the popular forces, Shamkhani said that the resistance movements of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Palestine are all people-oriented.

He noted that relying on the power of people would lead to maintaining values of a nation, particularly against the conspiracy of foreign intervention.

Noting that people-oriented resistance is a successful doctrine, Shamkhani said that different political groups in Yemen, irrespective of their ethnic and religious inclinations, have been standing to brutal aggression of their neighboring country (Saudi Arabia) for more than 500 days and do not allow Saudi- or al-Qaeda-linked elements to impose their political will on them.

He expressed deep concern about the destabilizing measures taken by Saudi Arabia in the region, saying, it is not acceptable for the Muslim nations that Saudi Arabia spends its money for strengthening Takfiri terrorist groups instead of getting the Islamic territories rid of the Israeli occupation.

Asked to comment about the political dialogue between the Yemeni groups and the agreement for setting up a national parliament, he said that the measure will be an influential step to help put an end to the humanitarian crisis in the country.

He said that laying siege to Yemen and the humanitarian crisis in the country is shameful for the so-called human rights international bodies, expressing regret that the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon ignored the victimization of thousands of Yemeni people by taking money and under political pressure.

He said that the Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys noticeable security, adding that despite major blows to Takfiri terrorist groups, the enemies are trying to revive certain dead and outdated adversary groups, a reference to recent efforts to revive Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO).

However, he noted that thanks to the vigilance of intelligence forces, such measures will definitely go nowhere.

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