27 Jul 2024
Irans oil minister Rostam Qasemi on Thursday raised the prospect of more cutoffs in oil sales to the European Union if sanctions imposed by the 27-nation bloc were not lifted by the next round of nuclear talks in Baghdad.

If the sanctions currently imposed against Iran would not be removed and if new sanctions be imposed against the country instead, this would seriously turbulent the energy market, IRNA quoted Qasemi as saying.

Hoping that they will lift sanctions on Irans oil, the minister stated that what we have officially cut is crude export to Britain and France, but if the bloc failed to show some flexibility toward Iran ahead of a second round of nuclear talks next month, we will extend our cutoffs in oil sales to the European Union.

Rostam Qasemi hoped that Tehran's next round of talks with representatives of the western states in Baghdad, Iraq, (set for May 23, 2012) would follow up the agreements reached between the two sides in Istanbul, Turkey top negotiators of Iran and P5+1 group praised them as positive and constructive.


Sources: Washington Post
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