27 Jul 2024
Thursday 26 May 2016 - 17:43
Story Code : 215718

Top FM official urges use of JCPOA opportunities

Sari, May 26, IRNA Hamid Baeedinejad, a top member of the Iranian nuclear negotiating team, said on Thursday that Iran nuclear deal known as the JCPOA created opportunities by removing main obstacles on the way of the Iranian economy that has to be seized.

Addressing the closing ceremony of a nationwide gathering of Iranian governors, Baeedinejad said that the implementation of the JCPOA led to the removal of the main sanctions on the country, including those imposed on oil exports, an opportunity that has to be used for giving a boost to the country's economic growth and reducing inflation rate.

'With the lifting of sanctions, we can now export oil to all countries as we did before the imposition of sanctions,' the official said.

Baeedinejad, the director of the political and international affairs of the Foreign Ministry, said that thanks to the efforts of the Ministry of Petroleum, Iran is now exporting 2.5 million barrels per day (bpd) of oil, the level it exported before the imposition of sanctions.

Before Iran deal, Iran's average oil exports stood at less than one million bpd and the Western countries were planning to push down Iran's oil exports to zero, said the Iranian top negotiator.

He also referred to the removal of sanctions on Iran's shipping industry, banking and insurance sector, saying, Iran has no banking problems now and from the very first day of the implementation of the JCPOA, all banking sanctions on the country were removed.

Today, all banks throughout the world are working with Iran without any problem, Baeedinejad said, adding, the only problem is about working with some major banks which take cautious steps in normalizing relations with Iran due to heavy fines during sanctions times.

Iran is making every effort, along with the US and the European Union, to win the trust of these banks once again, the official said.

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