16 Jun 2024
Saturday 21 May 2016 - 11:50
Story Code : 214857

Iran ready to settle row with Saudi through talks: Deputy FM

Iran ready to settle row with Saudi through talks: Deputy FM
Iran is ready to settle its political conflict with Saudi Arabia through dialog, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi says.

Our policy is [based on] stability and peace in the region and we are ready to solve our issues with regional countries such as Saudi Arabia through dialog, Araqchi told reporters at Japan National Press Club (JNPC) in Tokyo on Friday.

He added that Iran regards Saudi Arabia as an important country in the Muslim world.

I think that the Saudi move to cut ties with Iran stemmed from a miscalculation, the Iranian diplomat pointed out.

Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties and halted flights to and from Iran on January 3 following attacks on vacant Saudi diplomatic premises in the Iranian capital and the city of Mashhad by angry people protesting Nimr's execution.

This as more than 2,400 foreign pilgrims, including 464 Iranians, were killed after two large masses of pilgrims converged at a crossroads in Mina, near the holy Saudi city of Mecca, during the symbolic ceremony of the stoning of Satan in Jamarat on September 24, 2015.

The diplomatic conflict between Tehran and Riyadh has caused problems for Iranian pilgrims seeking to perform the annual Hajj rituals.

The issuing of visas and security arrangements for the Hajj have been two sticking points in the talks pertaining to this years rituals.

Saudi Arabia says Iranian pilgrims should travel to a third country to obtain a visa. However, Iran has been insisting that Saudi Arabia issue visas through the Swiss embassy in Tehran, which has looked after Saudi interests since Riyadh broke off ties.

By Press TV
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