16 Jun 2024
Monday 9 May 2016 - 10:03
Story Code : 213061

Iran's 73 historical objects return home from US

Tehran, May 8, IRNA - Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari said on Sunday that 73 ancient artifacts belonged to Iran have been safely returened from the United States to their homeland.

The Sassanid-era artifacts were delivered to Iran by the US government, following negotiations, Jaberi Ansari said.

He added, the precious ancient artifacts have been submitted to Iran National Museum in a ceremony.

In recent years, Iran has been successful in returning home its stolen belongings, including artifacts and ancient objects.

Back in April 2015, Iran received 108 ancient artifacts known as the Chogha Mish Collections from the US University of Chicago, marking the second successful return of Iranian artifacts in less than a year.

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