17 Jun 2024
Monday 4 April 2016 - 17:51
Story Code : 207945

Judiciary chief warns US against continued violation of N. deal

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Judiciary Chief Sadeq Amoli Larijani warned the US officials against the violation of their undertakings under the nuclear agreement with Tehran, and warned that his country will never accept to receive foreign investors at any price.

"The Americans are now acting in violation of the nuclear agreement," Amoli Larijani said, addressing high-raking judiciary officials in Tehran on Monday.

He voiced regret that Washington is pressuring companies which are interested in investment in Iran to withdraw from their decision.

"The Americans should know that the Islamic Republic of Iran would never compromise its interests and would never agree with investment of foreign firms in the country at any price, while it enjoys rich resources and abundant talents," Amoli Larijani added.

His remarks came after the US and certain other western states have been witnessed as dragging their feet in implementing undertakings based on the nuclear deal which included removal of sanctions against Tehran.

In relevant remarks last month, Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei lashed out at the US for not remaining loyal to its undertakings based on the July nuclear agreement between Tehran and the world powers.

"The Americans did not act on what they promised in the nuclear accord (the JCPOA); they did not do what they should have done. According to Foreign Minister (Mohammad Javad Zarif), they brought something on the paper but prevented materialization of the objectives of the Islamic Republic of Iran through many diversionary ways," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing a large group of people in the holy city of Mashhad, Northeastern Iran.

"What a hue and cry did they launch in the case of the missiles: Why Iran has long-ranged missiles? Why they (Iranians) aim and point to the target so precisely? Why they (Iranians) tested and why you (we Iranians) do military exercise?" he added.

"The Americans and one of the regional countries launch wargames every now and then in the Persian Gulf, which is several thousands of kilometers away of their country, while they have no responsibility there. Iran carries out military exercise in its own security boundary and home," Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

Also late March, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the US government is duty-bound to fulfill its undertakings as per the nuclear deal reached between Tehran and the world powers.

It does not matter which political party takes the helm. The nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is Washingtons commitment, and it has nothing to do with who is in power at the White House, Zarif said.

He noted that the baseless allegations made during the presidential elections campaign should never be taken seriously, as JCPOA is a commitment of the US government and it does not matter who will win the next presidential race.

The Iranian foreign minister reiterated that the US government has made commitments that it should undertake, adding, Unfortunately, some presidential candidates are pursuing mischief by using the poisonous atmosphere created by the Zionist lobby in Washington.

With the serious follow-up of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the US government is obliged to execute its commitments not only in theory but in practice, Zarif said.

By Fars News Agency
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