1 Jun 2024
Thursday 4 February 2016 - 18:17
Story Code : 200303

Yemeni forces destroy 4 Saudi military boats

Yemeni army forces, backed by fighters from allied Popular Committees, have destroyed four Saudi military boats in the countrys southwestern waters in retaliation to the relentless Saudi bombardment of the impoverished nation.

Yemen's Arabic-language al-Masirah news website reported that Yemeni forces targeted the vessels with surface-to-surface missiles in the early hours of Thursday, when the boats were approaching the port city of Mocha, located in the countrys southwestern province of Tai'z.

Saudi Arabia has deployed its vessels around the coasts of Yemen in an attempt to support its airstrikes and to maintain a crippling blockade on the poorest nation of the Arabian Peninsula.

The Yemeni forces also managed to shoot down a Saudi spy aircraft in the Harad district of the northwestern province of Hajjah earlier on Wednesday.

Saudi Arabia, however, continued its unabated deadly airstrikes on Wednesday and its warplanes attacked various districts in Yemen's northwestern province of Amran. At least 15 people lost their lives and 44 others sustained injuries when the aerial aggression targeted a cement factory.

Yemen has been under airstrikes by Saudi Arabia since March 26 last year. The Saudi strikes have been meant to undermine the Houthi Ansarullah movement and bring fugitive former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, back to power.

Nearly 8,280 people, among them 2,236 children, have reportedly been killed and over 16,000 others injured. The strikes have also taken a heavy toll on the impoverished countrys infrastructure, destroying many hospitals, schools, and factories.

By Press TV
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