17 Jun 2024
Friday 26 June 2015 - 19:03
Story Code : 169350

Zarif says he expects lasting, fair deal from Vienna talks

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has reaffirmed that the Islamic Republic seeks a fair deal with the P5+1 countries, saying he will be going to the Austrian capital of Vienna the venue of talks with the six countries to secure a fair and lasting deal.

Referring to recent remarks by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei that Iran seeks a fair deal with the P5+1, Zarif wrote in a latest post on his Twitter account that Iranians want a dignified deal and reject excessive demands, adding that he will be going to Vienna to secure a fair and lasting deal.

Iran and the P5+1 the US, the UK, France, China and Russia plus Germany are holding talks to finalize the text of a possible deal over the Islamic Republics civilian nuclear program. The two sides reached mutual understanding on the key parameters of the potential deal in the Swiss city of Lausanne on April 2.

Seyyed Abbas Araqchi, who is Irans deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs and a negotiator at the talks, said earlier on Friday that Zarif will be joining the talks in Vienna on Saturday.

Earlier on Tuesday, Ayatollah Khamenei once again reaffirmed the Islamic Republics red lines in its nuclear negotiations with the P5+1, saying, All Iranian authorities, while insisting on [the countrys] red lines, are pursuing a good deal [with the P5+1], which is a fair and honorable agreement in line with Irans interests.

The Leader emphasized that Iran will not accept long-term restrictions on its civilian nuclear program, and will continue research and development in the field of nuclear technology. Ayatollah Khamenei also said that all economic, monetary and banking sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council and the United States against Iran must be immediately lifted on the day the possible deal is signed.

Iran and its six negotiating partners have set June 30 as a deadline for the completion of the possible deal.

By Press TV
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