17 Jun 2024
Tuesday 23 June 2015 - 19:26
Story Code : 169027

Iran pursuing case of missing drilling oil rig: Zangeneh

Tehran, June 23, IRNA Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zangeneh said Tuesday that Iran is pursuing the case of an Iranian missing drilling oil rig.

Iran bought a drilling rig from a foreign company four years ago but later the oil rig went missing.

Earlier, Member of Parliament Nader Qazipour had said that Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani had assigned head of the Energy Commission to investigate into this case.

Zangeneh also said that the Oil Ministry is never looking for foreign drilling rigs and the existing contracts in this regard have been signed by the previous government.

He said that the Oil Ministry has always been seeking to support domestic manufacturers.

Zangeneh ruled out news reports about Foreign Ministry failing to supply Iranian refineries with the needed oil, saying there has been no problem in this regard and whatever oil the refineries demand will be delivered to them.

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