27 Jul 2024
Monday 13 April 2015 - 10:28
Story Code : 159704

Iran will not bend before world powers: President

Tehran, April 13, IRNA Iran will not before world powers and will not give up its right for peaceful use of nuclear energy, President Hassan Rouhani said.

Speaking in a joint meeting of government and parliament (Majlis) on Sunday, he noted that the government is prepared to run the affairs of the country with low oil income.

Even if the nuclear issue is resolved, he added, its economic results will not appear soon.

Calling the Geneva interim nuclear agreement a big step forward, Rouhani said that all sides of negotiations should be bound to their obligations in order to reach the final comprehensive deal.

Iran will not give up its right for peaceful use of nuclear energy and world powers are not able to pressure Tehran to bend towards them, the president underlined.

He said that Iran aims to play a win-win game in order to resolve the nuclear issue and in the meantime, improve relations with world.

Despite resolution of some issues during Lausanne negotiations in March, the upcoming talks would be very much complicated, Rouhani asserted.

President also referred to the ongoing violence and conflicts in the region and warned Muslims about enemies' divisive plots.

On April 2, Iran and the P5+1 group of world powers adopted a joint statement after marathon talks in Lausanne calling, among other things, for the removal of the UNSC sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

The statement was read out in a joint press conference in the Swiss city by the EU high representative, Federica Mogherini, and Zarif.

In the framework of the agreement, none of Irans nuclear facilities as well as the previous activities will be stopped, shut down or suspended and Irans nuclear activities in all its nuclear facilities including Natanz, Fordow, Isfahan and Arak will continue.

These comprehensive solutions will guarantee the continued enrichment program inside the Iranian territory and according to this, Iran will be allowed to go on with industrial production of nuclear fuel which is meant for running its nuclear power plants.


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