17 Jun 2024
Monday 6 April 2015 - 16:35
Story Code : 158701

Tehran to host int値 robocup open competition

TEHRAN (ISNA)- Tehran would host the 10th International Robocup Open Competition which is scheduled to start on Tuesday by 345 Iranian and foreign teams.

The competitions aim to expand robotic expertise and artificial intelligence for making applied hardware and software.

Iran would also host the 4th international artificial intelligence symposium and robocup international symposium.

345 teams out of 730 groups which enrolled for the event were accepted. 135 teams were students and 210 included university students. They are going to compete in 25 leagues.

36 teams from the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, Pakistan, Britain, Germany, China, Mexico, the US, India, Thailand, Egypt, Belgium and Colombia are taking part in the event.

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