27 Jul 2024
Tuesday 10 March 2015 - 09:38
Story Code : 154721

US to implement Iran nuclear deal if agreement reached - Obama

[caption id="attachment_151114" align="alignright" width="205"]The families had called on Obama to insist investigators addressed whether the murder suspect was motivated by hatred (File photo: Reuters) US President, Barack Obama[/caption]

US President Barack Obama said that the US would implement an Iran nuclear deal if such a deal is reached during the ongoing negotiations.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) The United States will implement an Iran nuclear deal if such a deal is reached duringthe ongoing negotiations, US President Barack Obama told journalists regarding a US Republican Senators letter addressed toleading Iranian officials.What were going tofocus onright now is actually seeing whether we can get a deal or not. And once we do if we do then well be able tomake the case tothe American people, and I'm confident well be able toimplement it, Obama said onMonday.

Forty-seven Republican Senators sent an open letter toIrans leadership earlier onMonday, arguing that any agreement betweenTehran and Washington overIrans nuclear program would need tobe approved bythe US Congress.

I think it's somewhat ironic tosee some members ofCongress wanting tomake common cause withthe hardliners inIran, Obama said. It's an unusual coalition.

US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said last week that the Senate will debate the Iran Nuclear Agreement Act that would require Congressional approval ofany US agreement reached withIran.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest emphasized ata press briefing onMonday that the Senators letter undermines the nuclear peace talks.

The P5+1 negotiators, representing five permanent UN Security Council members China, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France plus Germany have set the preliminary nuclear deal forthe end ofthe March. A deadline forconcluding a long-term comprehensive nuclear deal has been set forJuly, 2015.

By Sputnik News

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