27 Jul 2024
Wednesday 19 December 2012 - 23:30
Story Code : 14856

Source: Ahmadinejad's press advisor is to be released

Source: Ahmadinejad
Ali Akbar Javanfekr, Iranian presidents press advisor and director of the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA)Following the Prosecutor's approval of leave request forAli Akbar Javanfekr, Iranian presidents press advisor and director of the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) will probably be released within hours.
Reportedly, Javanfekr's family and managing director of IRNA requested the prosecutor to approve with his leave request three days ago.

The prosecutor approved their request and the presidents press advisor will probably be released from prisontemporarilyon the eve of Yalda, sources said.

Javanfekr was arrested on September 26. Tehran Penal Court in November 2011 had sentenced Javanfekr to six months in prison on charges of publishing articles contrary to Islamic regulations and six more months in prison for unethical articles.

The court also banned the ex IRNA Chief from any kind of occupation and press activity, including governmental and private ones, for three years.

Javanfekr has also been accused of insults towards Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
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