27 Jul 2024
Wednesday 17 December 2014 - 16:00
Story Code : 137466

Israel's Arrow 3 missile system fails interception test

[caption id="attachment_137470" align="alignright" width="175"] An Israeli Patriot anti-missile system (L) and an Arrow anti-missile system (R) are seen at Palmachim Air Force Base. (File photo)[/caption]
Israels most advanced anti-ballistic missile system, developed jointly with the US, has failed in its first live test to lock on to a target missile fired over the sea.
The Arrow 3 system at Israeli Palmahim Air Force Base failed on Tuesday to intercept the missile fired over the Mediterranean Sea, senior Israeli security officials said.

"There was a countdown to the launch and then nothing happened," an official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "A decision was made not to waste the interceptor missile."

It was for the second time in three months that Israel tested an Arrow system unsuccessfully.

In September, a test of the less advanced Arrow 2 also failed after the target missile veered off its course.

The test failure is said to be the latest setback for the system which Tel Aviv has presented as its counter-punch to Iran.

Arrow 3, an advanced US-supported system, has been built to intercept incoming ballistic missiles which fly above the Earth's atmosphere.

Israel has been the largest recipient of US military assistance since World War Two.

The US gives more than three billion dollars in direct aid to the Israeli military each year. This accounts for one-fifth of Americas entire foreign aid budget.

The amount does not include the more than half-a-billion dollars the US contributes to Israels missile program each year.

By Press TV


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and this the second failure to Arrow 3 missile test .. haha man they tested the missile in jan 2014 and the same result and almost 11 months later the same result isnt it the right time for them to change the things with missile