17 Jun 2024
Sunday 7 December 2014 - 11:25
Story Code : 135041

President stresses growth in non-oil exports

President stresses growth in non-oil exports
Tehran, Dec 7, IRNA President Hassan Rouhani outlined the economic achievements of his government in improving economic situation of the country during the past Iranian calendar year (ended March 20, 2014).
He made the remarks here Sunday morning while addressing the parliament session on his proposed budget bill for the coming Iranian year (to start March 21, 2015).
The President noted that increase in non-oil exports has been a major objective of the cabinet, adding that increasing the share of non-oil exports in the country's economy is among his major targets for the next year.

President Rouhani noted that the non-oil exports in the past eight months amounted to dlrs 31.5 billion showing a 19.7 percent growth compared to the corresponding period last year.

He hoped the figure would grow to dlrs 50 billion by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2015).

Referring to his government's success in controling the inflation rate, he said he is determined to safeguard this big achievement.

The President further pointed to ending recession as another success of his government in the past Iranian year.



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