16 Jun 2024
Sunday 16 November 2014 - 15:28
Story Code : 130003

Omani foreign minister due to visit Iran Sunday: Report

Omani Foreign Minister Youssef Bin Alawi Bin Abdullah is reportedly due to pay a visit to the Iranian capital, Tehran, to hold talks with high-ranking Iranian officials.
The Omani foreign minister, who will arrive in Tehran later on Sunday, is scheduled to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Beirut-based al-Mayadeen television channel reported.

The visit comesa weekafter Omani capital, Muscat, hosted three days of crucial negotiations over the Islamic Republics nuclear energy program.

On the top of the agenda of Muscat talks were the extent of Irans uranium enrichment and the timetable for the removal of anti-Iran sanctions.

On November 11, the top Omani diplomat expressed optimism that a final nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 states Russia, China, Britain, France, the US and Germany -- is within reach.

In late August, Omans Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said visited Iran at the head of a high-ranking delegation.

By Press TV


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