3 Jun 2024
Tuesday 2 September 2014 - 13:51
Story Code : 114540

Iran determined to continue nuclear talks: Zarif

Iran determined to continue nuclear talks: Zarif
[caption id="attachment_114541" align="alignright" width="241"] Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (L) holds a joint press conference with his Belgian counterpart Didier Reynders in Brussels, September 1, 2014.[/caption]
Irans Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic is determined to continue the nuclear talks with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany (P5+1).
Zarif said on Monday that Iran is determined to hold the negotiations, consolidate the nuclear rights of the Iranian nation and work for the removal of the illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

The Iranian foreign minister made the remarks during a meeting with Belgiums Parliament Speaker Patrick Dewael in the Belgian capital, Brussels.

Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China plus Germany have been holding talks to reach a final nuclear agreement over Tehrans nuclear energy program.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Zarif described Iran-Belgium cooperation as significant and welcomed the further enhancement of parliamentary ties between the two countries.

The Iranian foreign minister also referred to Irans World Against Violence and Extremism (WAVE) initiative, and said that the idea could be used as proper ground for international cooperation to tackle the issue of extremism and terrorism.

On December 18, 2013, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to approve Iranian President Hassan Rouhanis WAVE proposal, which calls on all countries across the globe to denounce violence and extremism.

Under the resolution, the General Assembly would urge all member states to unite against violence and extremism in all its forms and manifestations, including sectarian violence.

The Belgian parliament speaker, for his part, said the February visit of Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders to Iran indicates Brussels resolve to establish closer ties with Tehran.

On Monday, Zarif also met with Reynders. In a joint press conference with the Belgian foreign minister, Zarif called for a global battle against terrorism in the Middle East.

By Press TV


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