17 Jun 2024
Monday 4 August 2014 - 14:16
Story Code : 109367

Iran planning to ink new oil contracts with foreign customers

Iran planning to ink new oil contracts with foreign customers
TEHRAN (FNA)- An Iranian energy official voiced satisfaction in the outcomes of Tehran-world powers nuclear talks in Vienna in July, and said the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) is resolved to seize the opportunity to boost exports of its products to world states in the framework of new contracts.
Speaking to reporters on Sunday, Mohsen Qamsari, the NIOC Director for international affairs, noted that following the extension of Irans nuclear deal with the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany in July, Tehran will sign new contracts to export oil products, including diesel fuel, light and heavy naphtha, liquefied natural gas and fuel oil to different Asian countries.

He went on to say that Iran has also finalized a deal for exporting crude oil to a Chinese refinery and exporting diesel fuel to Afghanistan.

Moreover, conclusion of Irans agreement for exports of diesel fuel to Iraq is in final stages and the country is considering other contracts to export liquefied gas, light and heavy naphtha and fuel oil to the Persian Gulf littoral states, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan in the current year, the official pointed out.

Iran and the Group5+1 (the US, Britain, France, Russia, and China plus Germany) ended over two weeks of negotiations in Vienna on July 19 with no final agreement between the two sides which was due to be reached before the July 20 deadline.

During the talks, a senior member of the Iranian team of negotiators stressed that the excessive demands made by the other side were the root cause of the differences between Tehran and the world powers.

At the end of their talks, the two sides agreed to extend the negotiations till November 24 for brokering a final deal.

On Saturday, Director for strategic planning of the Iranian Oil Ministry Saeed Qovapour said that Iran is looking for strategic buyers of its crude oil in the world.

By Fars News Agency


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