16 Jun 2024
Israel kills scores in Gaza City suburb in deadliest assault of offensive so far
[caption id="attachment_107638" align="alignright" width="255"] A woman arrives at al-Shifa hospital, Gaza, where most of those killed and injured in the Israeli assault were taken. Photograph: Thomas Coex/AFP[/caption]
Peter Beaumont reports from Shujai'iya, where fleeing and injured tell of streets strewn with bodies and rubble
Al-Beltaji Street, off the main road in Shujai'iya, is a scene of utter devastation the site ofIsrael's bloodiest assault in almost two weeks of fighting in the coastal strip.

An ambulance sat on shot-out tyres, shrapnel punched through its sides. A charred car lay flattened as if by a giant hand. Smoke rose from one end of the street in a dark billowing curtain.

Fallen trees, tangled electricity cables and drifts of rubble covered the road, smashed, chopped and torn apart by Israeli shells and bombs that slammed into thisGazaCity district at a rate of one every five seconds on Saturday night and the early hours ofSunday.

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