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Monday 14 July 2014 - 15:51
Story Code : 106602

Iran English language newspaper headlines on Monday, 14-07-2014

Iran Daily

Iran urges swift global action against Israeli crimes
A large number of Majlis members urged international bodies to take necessary measures to immediately put an end to the Israeli regimes ruthless massacre in Gaza.

Iran, Italy to develop media cooperation
The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) and Italys AGI news agency are to develop cooperation.

Zarif: Trust is a two-way street in nuclear talks
Irans Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Sunday just days ahead of a deadline for a nuclear deal that trust is a two-way street demanding good faith on all sides.

Afghan candidates agree on full vote recount
US State Secretary John Kerry convinced Afghanistans feuding presidential candidates on Saturday to agree to a total recount of last months presidential election, which has threatened to split the country along ethnic lines.

450m barrels projected in new oilfields
Managing Director of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Rokneddin Javadi announced details of oilfields discovered near Irans border with Iraq.

Intl bodies must prosecute Baghdadi
A high-ranking Iranian military commander has said international legal bodies should prosecute Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) Takfiri terrorist group.

US, Britain back Israel aggression against Gaza
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the United States and Britain back Israels deadly attacks against Palestinians.

Zarif: Iran sees no benefit in nuclear weapons
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic has no interest in developing nuclear weapons.

Rafsanjani calls for solidarity among Iraqis
Chairman of the State Expediency Council Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has expressed concern about crimes against humanity committed by the terrorist group of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq and said that Iraq must bolster national solidarity to defeat the terrorists.

Tehran Times

Deadline to produce Euro 4 cars wont be extended: environment chief
The director of the Environment Protection Organization says the deadline set for domestic companies to enhance their products conform- ing to Euro 4 emission standards will not be extended, IRNA reported.

High-level meetings in Vienna to advance nuclear talks
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif held meetings with U.S. Secre- tary of State John Kerry and three EU for- eign ministers in Vienna on Sunday to help advance nuclear talks between Tehran and the major powers.

Iraq parliament postpones decision on new leaders
Iraq's deadlocked parliament ended its second session after just 30 minutes Sunday without making any progress toward forming a new government that can unite the country and confront the militant blitz that has seized control of a huge chunk of the country, Reuters reported.

Sala?s to take part in Egypt's post-coup parliamentary elections
Nour Party will contest the upcoming parliamentary elections on the same lists with ex- Mubarak henchmen, Egyptian media reported.

Syria army retakes parts of Mleiha town
The Syrian army recaptured parts of the southwestern town of Mleiha in Rif Dimashq governorate as the countrys armed forces continue to gain more ground in the battle against foreign-backed Tak?ri terrorists.

Hamas ?ghters stop Israel in ?rst ground offensive on Gaza
Israeli navy commandos made the ?rst ground incursion into the Gaza Strip to carry out a raid on a missile launch site, but were stopped by Palestinian ?ghters.


Iran sees no bene?t in developing nuclear weapons: Zarif
In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran sees no bene?t in developing nuclear weapons.

Uranium enrichment is most difficult part of talks: negotiator
A top Iranian nuclear negotiator has said that the uranium enrichment program by Iran is one of the most di?cult parts of the talks with major powers and given the sensitivity and the capacity of the issue, no agreement has been achieved yet.

Iranian MPs condemn savage killing of Palestinians
Iranian MPs issued a statement on Sunday condemning the Zionist regimes savage at- tacks on the Gaza Strip.

Iran has not moved on key issues in nuclear talks: U.S.
Iran has not moved on some key issues in nucle- ar talks with six world powers despite a loom- ing deadline for a deal to end the dispute over Tehrans nuclear program, Reuters quoted a U.S. official as saying on Saturday.
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