3 Jun 2024
Sunday 13 July 2014 - 13:34
Story Code : 106304

Zarif says Iran sees no benefit in nuclear weapons

Zarif says Iran sees no benefit in nuclear weapons
[caption id="attachment_106307" align="alignright" width="218"] Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif[/caption]
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic has no interest in developing nuclear weapons.
We dont see any benefit in Iran developing a nuclear weapon, Zarif said in an interview with NBCs Meet the Press from Vienna, where nuclear talks are taking place.
The top Iranian diplomat noted that Tehran is trying to convince the world that it is not seeking nukes, adding, I will commit to everything and anything that would provide credible assurances for the international community that Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons, because we are not.
He went on to say that nuclear weapons would not empower Iran, but reduce its influence in the region.

The Iranian foreign minister stated that having nukes does not help anybody.
The politics of geography -- the fact that were bigger, the fact that were stronger, that were more populous, the fact that we have a better technology, the fact that our human resources are by far more developed than most of our neighbors -- all of these provide us with inherent areas of strength that we dont need to augment with other capabilities, Zarif stated.
He said nuclear weapons or no amount of military power makes you safe, adding, So we need to live in a different paradigm. And thats what we are calling for.

Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council the United States, Russia, France, Britain and China plus Germany have been discussing ways to sort out differences and achieve a final deal that would end the decade-old dispute over Irans nuclear energy program.

By Press TV


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