17 Jun 2024
Saturday 20 July 2019 - 19:00
Story Code : 354498

Irans eye-for-an-eye strategy in the Persian Gulf

The New Yorker | By: On July 4, 1982, a car with diplomatic plates carrying senior Iranian envoys was stopped outside of Beirut by members of a right-wing Christian militia. Among the four passengers was Ahmad Motevaselian, the military attach at Irans Embassy in Lebanon and a well-known hero of Irans war with Iraq. He had also overseen the deployment of more than a thousand Iranian Revolutionary Guards, in response to Israels invasion of Lebanon four weeks earlier. Their car was later found abandoned. Iran appealed for international actionespecially from the Christian militia and its U.S. and Israeli alliesto find the Iranian hostages. Nothing happened. On July 19th, gunmen abducted David Dodge, the acting president of American University of Beirut, from the campus grounds, overlooking the Mediterranean. Dodge was the first American hostage in Beirut. He spent exactly a year, to the day, in an Iranian prison. Syria intervened to help free Dodge, partly to curry favor with the United States at Damascuss own moment of weakness.

That eye-for-an-eye exchange between Iran and the United States was the beginning of a hostage saga that sucked in more and more victims over the next decade. It also typified revolutionary Irans strategy in dealing with what it perceived as threats. We always respond, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, told me on Thursday, in New York. The lesson, he said, is dont play with Iran.

Since May 3rd, the United States has faced yet another round of tensions with the Islamic Republic. The two nations are again in a troubling tit-for-tat cycle. On Thursday, the U.S. Navy destroyed an Iranian drone over the strategically important Strait of Hormuz. The drone came within a thousand feet of the U.S.S. Boxer, an amphibious assault vessel, and ignored repeated communications to move away, President Trump said. This is the latest of many provocative and hostile actions by Iran against vessels operating in international waters, he said. The United States reserves the right to defend our personnel, our facilities, and interests, and calls upon all nations to condemn Irans attempts to disrupt freedom of navigation and global commerce. Roughly a third of the worlds seaborne oil is shipped via the strait, some of which falls within Iranian waters.

On Friday, Irans Revolutionary Guard announced the seizure of a British-flagged oil tanker sailing in the Gulf for failing to comply with international maritime laws and regulations. The ships owner said it had been unable to make contact with the Stena Impero and its twenty-three-man crew since it was surrounded by unidentified ships and a helicopter. U.S. officials told CNN that Iran also captured a second oil tanker, the Liberian-flagged MV Mesdar, on Friday. The latest crisis in the Gulf follows Britains seizure of an Iranian tanker off Gibraltar on July 4th. Britain claimed that the Grace 1 was carrying oil to Syria in violation of European sanctions. The Iranian actions followed a court decision, on Friday, in Gibraltar, a British territory, to extend the detention of the Grace 1 for another thirty days. The episodes seriously escalate tensions between Iran and the West and potentially threaten the security of tankers exporting oil through the strait. Unlike the United States, Britain has so far continued to honor the 2015 nuclear dealand tried to broker a deal that would circumvent punitive U.S. sanctions on Iran. This only goes to show what Im saying about Iran. Trouble. Nothing but trouble, President Trump told reporters Friday afternoon. It goes to show you I was right about Iran.

The Trump Administration blames Iran for the recent tensions, including attacks on six foreign tankers just beyond the strait, in the Gulf of Oman. On June 20th, Iran also shot down a U.S. drone with a surface-to-air missile. It claimed that the unmanned dronea Global Hawk, one of the largest in the U.S. fleetwas in Iranian airspace; large chunks of it were retrieved in Iranian waters. The United States claimed that the drone was in international airspace. Trump reportedly approved a retaliatory strike on Iranian missile batteries linked to the downing of the drone, but then pulled back because of the possibility of killing dozens of Iranians.

From Irans perspective, however, the current cycle was initiated by Trump, in May of last year, when he withdrew the U.S. from a historic nuclear deal brokered by the worlds six major powers and Iranafter two years of tortuous diplomacyin mid-2015. In November, he reimposed economic sanctions that had been lifted as an incentive for Iran to limit its controversial nuclear program. The Administration has now pledged to cut off all Iranian oil exportsdown to zeroto force it to make further concessions on its nuclear program and support for extremist groups, missile development, intervention in the Middle East, and human-rights abuses. Iran has responded by vowing that others will suffer if it is not allowed to export oil, which is critical to its economy.

Its only the latest chicken-and-egg crisis between the two nations. The same dynamics have played out repeatedly in Irans confrontations with regional and international adversaries since the 1979 revolution. Some of these conflicts are ongoing; each has added a layer that further complicates the resolution of any of them.

In the nineteen-eighties, Iran persisted in demanding freedom for its missing diplomats. Meanwhile, Americans kept disappearing off the streets of Beirut. Many U.S. officials believed that Iranian proxies were carrying out the abductions. In 1988, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the powerful speaker of Irans parliament, offered a swapthe four Iranians for, by then, the nine American hostages in Lebanon. If you are interested in having your people held hostage in Lebanon released, then tell the [Christian] Phalangists to release our people who have been in their hands for years, and of whom we do not have any news, he said, during a Friday prayer sermon. In 1990, President George H. W. Bush committed to helping locate them. This is something they feel strongly about, he said, of the Iranians. Its something Id like to do. And I think they would consider this a gesture of good will that could lead to Tehran helping with the release of the last Americans in Lebanon.

Irans eye-for-an-eye strategy was particularly visible during its eight-year war with Iraq. In 1981, the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, opened a new front by launching air strikes on Iranian tankers in the Gulf. In 1984, he went big, hitting Kharg Island, Irans major oil terminal in the Gulf, and several tankers. Iran, which had held back, began to counterstrike. The tanker war became a threat to international energy. The United States was sucked in to protect ships ferrying Saddam Husseins oilat a price. In 1987, Iraqi warplanes mistakenly struck the U.S.S. Stark when it was on patrol in the Gulf on Iraqs behalf. Thirty-seven American sailors were killed. By the time the war ended, in 1988, Iraq had hit more than two hundred and eighty Iranian tankers. Iran struck a hundred and sixty-eight tankers doing business with Iraq or its Arab allies in the Gulf.

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