16 Jun 2024
Saturday 20 October 2018 - 17:21
Story Code : 323916

Asia oil buyers said to see more chance for U.S. waivers on Iran

Bloomberg | , , and Asian buyers of Iranian oil are gaining confidence they will win U.S. consent for some imports to continue even after American sanctions snap back next month.

Major Iranian customers South Korea, India and Japan are in talks with Washington for waivers, highlighting the specific reasons they need to continue purchases, according to people familiar with the discussions. Despite the upbeat tone, the exemptions from the U.S. havent been finalized and may not end up being approved, they said, asking not to be identified because the negotiations are confidential.

The U.S. has so far insisted that all purchases from Iran must drop to zero in an effort to put pressure on the Islamic republic to negotiate a new nuclear deal, after President Donald Trump in May walked away from a 2015 pact negotiated by Barack Obama. Even before American sanctions take effect, the oil market has tightened beyond what the White House expected, briefly sending Brent crude to a four-year high over $85 a barrel.

If South Korea, India and Japan obtain waivers, its likely to be for lower imports than in the past with a commitment to continue reducing purchases over time.

We evaluate waivers on a case by case basis, said U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert. But she cautioned that Washington wasnt planning to provide blanket exemptions to Asian countries.

Sanctions Effect

Some Asian buyers have halted Iranian oil imports ahead of Nov. 4 deadline

Sources: Bloomberg, FGE
Note: June-Sept. figures are based on data from Bloomberg; Oct. figures are FGE's estimates

Iranian exports have slumped by 30 percent, or over 800,000 barrels a day, over the past six months as buyers have shunned purchases to avoid the risk of being cut off from the U.S. financial system. Shipments are seen dropping further to less than a million barrels a day as everyone from shipowners to port operators and insurers turn away from the Middle East nation. In a bid to keep customers, its offering record discounts on its crude.

Meanwhile, buyers are scrambling to find alternative supply at a time when higher crude prices and a stronger dollar have boosted the import bills for American allies. In India, the local currency is tumbling and public protests are flaring over higher costs before elections next year.

The South Asian country had planned to cut purchases to zero in November, but refiners later decided on limited imports after the government asked them to subsidize retail fuel prices. A spokesman for the oil ministry didnt respond to calls seeking comment.

Zero Imports

For South Korea, theres a specific need for an ultra-light form of oil known as condensate from Irans South Pars fields. Thats because several of the nations plants are geared toward processing the grade. It had stopped buying shipments since July and was the first among major buyers to cut imports to zero. Meanwhile, its been forced to turn to alternatives from Norway to Saudi Arabia. An energy ministry spokesperson declined to comment.

Japan has temporarily halted loading Iranian oil ahead of the U.S. sanctions that take effect on Nov. 4. The Asian nation will continue to negotiate tenaciously with America to maintain crude imports from the Persian Gulf state, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshige Seko said last month. An official at METI declined to comment on Thursday.

Top Iranian customer China remains a wildcard. Its government has said it opposes unilateral measures by the U.S., with which its fighting a trade war. During the previous round of sanctions earlier this decade, it remained the biggest buyer from the Persian Gulf state, although purchases fell as Iranian production was squeezed. Over the past few months, the Islamic republics shipments to the Asian nation have declined.

With assistance by Tsuyoshi Inajima, Javier Blas, and Nick Wadhams
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