21 Sep 2024

Sputnik - Last week's St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), held annually in Russia's second largest city, saw a record number of 550 agreements signed worth more than $38 billion, according to a Russian presidential adviser.

Sputnik spoke toveteran US investor and financial commentator Jim Rogers who was atthe forum.

Sputnik: We're seeing new developments withUS-North Korea relations, we see announcements frompoliticians, foryou asa businessman, what kind ofimpact does it have? In one ofyour interviews you've mentioned that you want todo business withNorth Korea, just how possible is that?

Jim Rogers:I'd liketo invest inNorth Korea butit's impossible forAmericans or virtually impossible forAmericans, this just means great opportunities are being seized byRussians, Chinese and other people who can do business inNorth Korea.

Sputnik: What kind ofbusiness is it?

Jim Rogers:Everything you can imagine. They need tablecloths, soap, electricity, they need everything, anything you can do you can make a fortune inNorth Korea.

Sputnik: There's a big US delegation atthe St. Petersburg Economic Forum and the organizers are telling us that, unlikeprevious US administrations, this time US officials are actually encouraging US CEOs totake part inthe event. Does that mean that we're going tosee some changes inUS-Russia relations, both business and political?

Jim Rogers:I hope so, I hope inevery way relations get better withRussia and the US. This is madness, a madness that Russia and the US aren't friends, they should be, and should be working together.

Sputnik: What are the key global trends that we see inthe markets right now? What are the big things tolook outfor?

Jim Rogers:Well, unfortunately, I'm an American citizen and I see that America is pushing China and Russia together, America's pushing China and Iran together, pushing China, Iran, Russia altogether and that's pushing America outof some very major countries inthe world. I don't particularly likethat because I'm an American and I want totravel, and invest, and play everywhere, and it is getting more and more difficult forAmericans.

Sputnik: But it seems that you spend a lot oftime inAsia and you're focusing onAsia is it possible todo it inother countries inAsia?

Jim Rogers:I live inSingapore, so sure there are plenty ofopportunities inAsia, just fewer and fewer because America is getting inspats withmore and more countries. That's all. It's a big world outthere, there's plenty left, it is just a shame tobe cutting some ofthese places out.

Sputnik: Is it mostly because ofthe regulations or is there something else inplay?

Jim Rogers:Regulations, sanctions, prohibitions everything you can think of, it's virtually impossible foran American tosay the word Iran, if you can spell it they'll put you injail, likewise inRussia, it's getting more and more difficult because ofsanctions. China, not yet is it difficult butit's getting more and more doubtful, I don't see this asgood forAmerica, I don't see this asgood forthe world.

Sputnik: It's not the first time you're taking part inthe St. Petersburg forum, what are the key things you noticed and what are the things tolook outfor atthis event?

Jim Rogers:What I noticed this year, maybe because I'm an American, is there is much more talk aboutsanctions, trade wars and things likethat, impediments tothe world economy. I did not hear talk likethis inprevious years, maybe because it didn't exist inprevious years, not inany meaningful way, even last year everybody was opening upmore and more, now America is closing offmore and more.

Sputnik: Doesn't it seem strange that the US is working onmore regulations and more restrictions and other countries are requesting free markets?

Jim Rogers:It is, ofcourse, I mean America is "the land ofthe free" and we're not so free anymore, I mean, you asa Russian can do anything you want aroundthe world, I, asan American, am closed offin many, many countries bythe Americans, not bythem, butby the Americans.

Sputnik: Is there a chance tohave a dialogue withpoliticians? Even here there are representatives ofthe US government atthis years forum?

Jim Rogers:I certainly hope somebody is talking, trying totalk some sense. I don't live inthe US anymore, so it's more complicated forme, butI hope somebody is talking and somebody is listening. So far it seems that no ones listening, and I say I'm an American, I don't likebeing forced outof countries bymy own government.

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