17 Jun 2024
Friday 25 December 2015 - 22:04
Story Code : 194002

Erdogan's oil plot: evidence continues to mount against Turkish president

Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) is stealing crude from Syria and Iraq with the knowledge of NATO, because it is precisely NATO that the terrorist group is making business with, US journalist and author Brandon Turbeville notes.

The evidence continues tomount againstthe Turkish leadership which is upto its eyeballs inan illicit oil business withDaesh terrorists.

Turkey's opposition, Syria-based independent analysts and now Rystad Energy, an independent oil and gas consulting firm, are providing new details onhow the illegal Turkey-Daesh trading scheme works.

The Norwegian news agency Klassekampen has leaked Rystad Energy's report, which has shed light onhow large amounts ofoil have been smuggled toTurkey fromDaesh-controlled zones inSyria and Iraq and then sold atsharply reduced prices from $25 to $45 per barrel.
"Of course, ISIS [Daesh] is not engaging inoil deals withoutthe knowledge ofNATO sinceit is precisely NATO that it is doing business with. In fact, one ofthe principal smugglers conducting business withISIS is Bilal Erdogan, the son ofTurkish President Recep Erdogan," writes Brandon Turbeville inhis article forActivistPost.com.

It is no secret anymore that Bilal Erdogan is shipping the stolen crude viaBMZ Group maritime company, Turbeville notes, quoting Gursel Tekin, a Vice President ofthe Turkish Republican People's Party (CHP).

"Bilal Erdogan is upto his neck incomplicity withterrorism, butas long ashis father holds office he will be immune fromany judicial prosecution [P]resident Erdogan's close relatives hold shares inBMZ and they misused public funds and took illicit loans fromTurkish banks," Tekin said inan interview withTurkish media.

Interestingly enough, onSeptember 15, Turkey's English-language newspaper Today's Zaman reported that the BMZ Group owned byBilal Erdogan purchased "two tankers inthe last two months ata total cost of $36 million."

The media called attention tothe fact that the other partners ofBMZ were Mustafa Erdogan and Ziya Ilgen, while Erdogan's other son, Burak Erdogan, also owned a fleet ofships.

In his piece forNew Eastern Outlook US author F. William Engdahl elaborated that "Bilal Erdogan's maritime companies own special wharfs inBeirut and Ceyhan ports that are transporting ISIS' [Daesh's] smuggled crude oil inJapan-bound oil tankers."

On the other hand, Syria-based independent analyst Afraa Dagher described how the stolen crude is being transported fromSyria and Iraq toTurkey beforefinding its way toIsrael.
"The ISIS inSyria and the Levant [Daesh] has been caught smuggling stolen oil toTurkey asits primary buyer. Oil tankers have been heading fromSyria and Iraq tothe Turkish city Zahko, which is located close toSirnak province," Dagher narrated inhis article forActivistPost.com.

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Airstrike on an column of tanker trucks ( province)

10:21 PM - 23 Dec 2015

?The analyst revealed that the stolen crude is brought toTurkey asa "waste product" and then redirected tothe Turkish town ofSilopi where oil smugglers receive their money. After that the oil is being transported toend customers throughthe three Turkish ports ofDortyol, Jihan and Mersin.

The illicit oil business has been taking place sincethe beginning ofthe Arab Spring byone and the same group ofterrorists, including al-Qaeda's affiliate al-Nusra Front, Dagher stressed.

Remarkably, back inJune 2014 French intellectual and political analyst Thierry Meyssan was banging the drums overal-Nusra Front and Daesh's illicit oil trade. The French analyst posed the question how the ISIS groups could sell oil onthe international market closely monitored bythe United States.
"If al-Nusra Front and ISIL [Daesh] are able tosell oil onthe international market, they are authorized byWashington and are linked tostorefront oil companies," Meyssan suggested inhis article forVoltairenet.org.

Turbeville draws attention tothe fact that neither Washington, nor NATO has taken any steps tohalt Erdogan's illegal oil business. It begs the question why the West is not interested incutting offDaesh's source offunding."The Norwegian report is just yet more confirmation ofthe fact that ISIS [Daesh] exists atthe behest and withthe cooperation ofNATO countries, withTurkey playing a particularly important role," the US journalist emphasizes.

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