24 Oct 2024
Sunday 6 December 2015 - 11:09
Story Code : 191459

How world reacts to Iran SL letter to Western Youth?

Tehran, December 5, The Iran ProjectIranian Leaders newly-published letter to Western youth has widely circulated and published in the news and social media by academic elites, public, politicians and mainstream media across the world.

Besides enjoying worldwide coverage, different aspects of the leaders attitudes have been highlighted and debated by the various observers. Part of the reactions to this letter is as following:


Reactions of Western elites

Speaking to Khorasan Newspaper via email, Tiziana Ciavardini, Italian cultural anthropologist and political analyst praised Iranian leaders letter, describing it the letter of truth. Shefurtherexplained that the letter has addressed the youth in the Western world since they are more interested to know what is really going on more than the older generations. In concluding part of the interview, the Italian analystdemands all to understandthe words of the Iranian leader before it is too late.

In an editorial published in Mehr News Agency, Waqae Rizvi, a political critic, noted the absence of an alternative medium for Ayatollah Khamenei to voice his reflection in Western world. According to him, the Muslims leader has made attempt to directly address the audience in order to overcome the mass media and their biased narrations.

Speaking to Mehr via email, Anthony Cartaucci, another independent American analyst noted the baselessblame of Islam and Muslims by West, arguing that Islamic Revolution leader's letter would remarkably contribute to enhance public awareness against support of terrorism by Western governments.

A Canadian University Professor also explained the leader letter as a deep analysis of the psychological and geopolitical roots of global terrorism". In a post published on his Facebook page, Denis Rancourt has voiced his great interest and fascination by reading Ayatollah Khameneis letter, expressing hope that the letter catalyzes awakening of the Western youth.


Reactions of public and politicians

Bill Hasting, a political activist living in US has stated that what is depicted in the leader's letter has been censored by the media. This was an interesting letter. ISIS, backed by US and Britain, has nothing to do with Islam, Sandra Watfa, a British activist, said. Sumayya Betty Williamson, another pro-Palestine activist living in Texas said Irans leader has spoken from his heart, and as an American I do believe that the American youth will perceive its message well.

A senior adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also hailed the leaders attitude reflected in his second letter, stating the Ayatollah Khamenei seesthe world as a human family while the West doesnt perceivethe world that way.

Iran'sSupreme Leaders letter to Western young people also wasrecited in the UNs General Assembly session on the culture of peace. Speaking in the meeting, Iran's Ambassador to the United Nations Gholamali Khoshroo praised the views as the noble viewpoints about the battle against terrorism. He specifically highlighted the leaders demand to change the mentalities about Islam.


Reactions of world Media

In its reporting of the Leaders second letter, Malay Mail Online, the Malaysian news website underlinedthe leaders condemnation of the Western double standard policies on fighting terrorism.

Calling Paris attacks as blind terrorism is what has drawn the attention of Associated Press. The agency also noted the part of the letter where the leader has stated that he has been equally disturbed by the bloodshed in Palestine-Israel conflict and ISIS in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

Denouncement of the Western double standard by Irans leader in his second letter has been under AFPs spotlight in its reporting of the letter. The media has quoted Ayatollah Khamenei as saying that "the pain that the Islamic world has suffered in these years from the hypocrisy and duplicity of the invaders is not less than the pain from the material damage."

In its editorial about the Irans leader letter, Al-Monitor has asked a source close to Irans Leader office in Tehran about the reason why the letter has not been published in a Western media outlet. The leader is keen to have direct engagement with youth; he wants the young man or lady in Boston, Manchester or Berlin to feel that hes talking to him or her directly, the source has explained, adding that Irans leader knows how ugly the stereotype is thats being spread there about Iran.

In short, Irans leader attitudes toward terrorism, Islamophobia, the Wests double standard policy have mainly drawn the media and commentators attention to different extent.

The truth is that the genuine message behind this letter should be seen in the context of the terrorist operations by ISIS terrorist group across the worldand along with the growing concerns and fears over the spread of terrorism in the world.

Besides, the way theAyatollah Khamenei'sletter has been sent to young people in West needs more deep consideration. Initially, the fact that two letters by the Supreme Leader were written after terrorist attacks in the Parisis per se a significant issue sinceit proves his cares about all human beings.

The leaders direct addressing of the audience, instead of using Western mass media also conveys significant messages. His preference primarily demonstrates his distrust of Western media, secondly itsimply shows his rejection of those media thatclearly try to deflect blame onto others through Islamophobia.

At last, Twitter suspended the accounts reporting the content of the letter, the move which proves gross violation of freedom of press by western social media.
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Plz put the official letter of the SL of Iran. I'm really interested about it...