27 Jul 2024
Wednesday 21 August 2013 - 12:31
Story Code : 45907

Yemen issues visas for Iran delegation to pursue fate of abducted diplomat

An Iranian delegation is scheduled to travel to the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, next week to follow up on the fate of abducted Iranian diplomat, Nour Ahmad Nikbakht.
The Yemeni government has issued visas for the Iranian delegation to visit the country and the delegation will probably travel to Sana'a early next week, an informed source with Irans embassy in Yemen told ISNA on Tuesday.

Seyyed Kazem Sajjadi, the Foreign Ministrys Director General for Iranian Expatriates Affairs, will leave for Yemen as the head of a delegation, the official added.

During his stay in Sanaa, Sajjadi will hold talks with the countrys Interior Minister Abdel-Qader Qahtan, Foreign Minister Abu-Bakr Al-Qirbi and other senior Yemeni authorities, the official further said.
According to the latest information we have received, kidnapped Iranian diplomat Nour Ahmad Nikbakht is in good health, and we will seriously pursue his fate, and we hope he will be released as soon as possible, the official underlined.
Yemens Foreign Ministry announced on August 14 that it had no clues as to the whereabouts of the abducted Iranian diplomat.

Nikbakht, an administrative staff member of the Iranian embassy in Sanaa, was on his way to work from his home in the citys diplomatic quarter on July 21 when unidentified gunmen blocked the road, forced him out of his vehicle and abducted him.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has already summoned the Yemeni charg d'affaires twice to express Tehran's grave concern over the fate of the diplomat and to remind Sanaa that it is responsible for Nikbakhts safety.

By Press TV


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