3 Jun 2024
Thursday 22 August 2019 - 15:12
Story Code : 357197

Armed Forces strongly support Irans foreign policy: Hatami

MNA Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami said that Armed Forces of the country support foreign policy with all its might.

During the past one year, the variety and complexity of threats [against Iran] required Armed Forces to continue improving their readiness while the macro policy of Iran was to prove Irans legitimate rights by implementing strategic patience in the face of excessive demands and bullying behavior of enemies. And with this readiness, we strongly support the countrys foreign policy in times of tension, said Hatami noting that downing an intruding US spy drone and also seizing UK-flagged oil tanker after it had violated international maritime rules were the climax of such support.

He made the remarks Thursday in a ceremony to unveil home-made Bavar-373 air defense system. Bavar-373 is a mobile missile defense system designed to intercept and destroy incoming hostile targets flying at altitudes of up to 65 kilometers. The system employs missiles that have a maximum range of 300 kilometers. The long-range defense system is capable of detecting up to 100 targets simultaneously and engages six targets at a time.

While the Islamic Republic of Iran seeks peace and friendship in the region and in the world, the enemy has brought all its might to damage the Iranian nation, Hatami said

Referring to the enemys heavy deployment of military forces and equipment in the region, he said that they are targeting our national security and independence with the most evil intentions. In these circumstances, an ensuring defense power is needed to maintain peace, stability and security of people and the Islamic Republic, as well as the countrys territorial integrity and the Revolutions achievements.

Irans defense industry has arrived at a point where all its produced missiles enjoy pinpoint accuracy, Hatami highlighted.

According to the strategic decision of the Islamic Republic of Iran and based on the important and historical fatwas of the Leader of the Revolution regarding missiles, we have not designed any missiles with unconventional warheads and we commit ourselves to maintain the deterrence power only with the conventional warheads. We are focusing on the effectiveness of missiles through improving their precision, maneuverability, speed and conventional explosive power to defeat enemy defense systems, and, thanks to God, great progress has been made.

I proudly announce today that we have arrived at the edge of science and technology in many areas, Hatami said, adding that the defense industry can also technologically support non-military industries of the country.

Elsewhere, pointing to his meetings with defense officials of regional countries, he said that Iran is extending the hand of friendship to the world to help establish sustainable peace and stability. We believe that military alignments formed in the region should be replaced with economic cooperation.
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