27 Jul 2024
Monday 17 December 2018 - 15:59
Story Code : 331063

Need to set deadline for Europes anti-sanctions measures

Financial Tribune - Iran needs to set a timeframe for the European Union to enact its measures aimed at protecting Iran against the United States sanctions so as to avoid being left in limbo for a long time, a lawmaker said.

[Iranian officials] should set a deadline and, as soon as it expires, resume the nuclear activities that we accepted to restrict [under the 2015 pact] without appeasement of other countries, Farhad Falahati said in a recent talk to ICANA.

Under a nuclear agreement signed with major world powers in 2015, Iran agreed to place curbs on it peaceful nuclear activities in return for sanctions relief.

Despite Irans adherence to the terms of the deal that has been confirmed by the United Nations nuclear watchdog in 13 reports, the sanctions were reimposed, this time unilaterally by the US, which abandoned the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the formal name of the nuclear deal) in May.
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