27 Jul 2024
Tuesday 26 September 2017 - 18:16
Story Code : 277379

Irans coverage: Iran reinforces air defense system in western borders

Daily look at Irans late-breaking news and upcoming events:
Irans Air Defense sends more missile gear to western areas
Irans Air Defense has intensified activities along the countrys western borders, deploying new missile equipment there, a ranking commander said.

Iran President communicates counter-US act
Irans President communicated counter Americas terrorist and adventurist actions act to the Foreign Ministry.

European ambassadors to US strongly support JCPOA
The ambassadors from Britain, France, Germany and the European Union to the United States have expressed their countries strong support for a landmark international nuclear agreement Iran clinched with the P5+1 group of countries more than two years ago.

Iranian Kurdish MPs condemn Iraqi Kurdistans referendum
Iranian Kurdish legislators have expressed their opposition to the referendum on the independence of the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

Major Iranian oil company says oil at $60 a barrel could stabilize the energy market
Oil prices near $60 a barrel could stabilize the energy market and signal for investors to invest and develop petroleum fields, according to a senior executive at a majorIranianstate-owned oil company.

Israel behind KRG referendum: Irans top general
Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri blamed the Zionist regime of Israel for orchestrating a plot to hold the independence referendum in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.

Zarif meets UN under-secretary general, Indonesian counterpart
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with his Algerian counterpart Abdelkader Messahel in New York on Monday.

IRGC General sees Trumps UN speech as admission of Irans power
Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami described US presidents comments in his address to the UN General Assembly as an admission that Iran is an indomitable power.

Navy Commander: Iran to build new destroyer by yearend
Irans Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari announced that the countrys experts will build a new destroyer in the current Iranian year (ending on March 20).

Iran to launch $1b refinery in Syria
Irans Research Center of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) is to launch a refinery in Syria, a RIPI official said.
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