27 Jul 2024
Wednesday 25 January 2017 - 11:41
Story Code : 248387

ISIS to Trump: We値l come to behead you!

IFP- According to a Farsi report by Al-Alam, on the occasion of Donald Trump痴 inauguration as President of the US, the teenage forces of ISIS, called 鄭shbal al-Khilafah, decapitated his dummy in Mosul.

典his symbolic execution was held in the presence of some ISIS rulers, as well as a filming staff, around Az Zanjili in western Mosul, announced a local source in Nineveh, which didn稚 want his name to be revealed.

釘y beheading Trump dummy, the ISIS conveys some messages to Washington, especially as the members chanted 層e値l come to behead you during this event.

鄭shbal al-Khilafah is a formation established by ISIS terrorists after the occupation of Mosul in June 2014 for the purpose of employing the children and teenagers to misuse them for terrorist suicide attacks.
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