27 Jul 2024
Sunday 17 January 2016 - 12:20
Story Code : 197193

IAEA unveils device that verified Irans commitment to nuclear deal

This is the high-tech device that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has installed in Irans Natanz nuclear facility to monitor uranium enrichment.

The IAEA said it installed the Online Enrichment Monitor, or OLEM,to check Irans level of uranium enrichment. In accordance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran is committed to keep its uranium enrichment level at up to 3.67 percent.

Installed as part of preparatory work ahead of the JCPOAs implementation day,the devicepermits the agency to measure and calculate the amount of uranium-235 and the total amount of uranium in Natanz plant at a real time basis.

Late on Saturday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU foreign policychief Federica Mogherini announced that sanctions imposed on Tehran have been lifted as the agreement cameinto force.

Former methods of sampling and analysis took up three weeks to complete as samples were shipped from Iran to the IAEAs laboratories in Austria.

The agreed limitations on all uranium enrichment and related activities, including on specific Research and Developmentactivities will allow Iran to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, said the head of the IAEAs Iran Task Force, Massimo Aparo.

Iran and the world powers theUnited States,Germany, Britain,Russia,China, and France finalized the JCPOA in Vienna, on July 14, 2015.

OLEM works by measuring the characteristics of gaseous uranium UF6 which runs through processing the pipes of nuclear enrichment plants.

As the OLEM provides continuous measurement which reduces sample taking, the IAEA will gradually start using the device in other gas centrifuge enrichment plantsaround the world.

By Press TV

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