27 Jul 2024
Sunday 29 November 2015 - 17:01
Story Code : 190769

Bahrain summons Irans diplomat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) Bahrain summoned Iran's acting charge d'affaires over what Al Khlaifa regime describes as Tehrans blatant interference in the tiny Persian Gulf Kingdoms domestic affairs.

At the meeting on Saturday, an official protest note was presented to Hamid Shafiezadeh over Irans support for the oppressed people of Bahrain.

It also described the Islamic Republics stance on human rights violations in the tiny Persian Gulf Kingdom as blatant interference in Bahrains domestic affairs and an abuse of the kingdoms sovereignty and independence," the state-run Bahrain News Agency (BNA) quoted the kingdoms foreign ministry as saying in a report published on Saturday.

Bahrain has repeatedly accused Iran of meddling in its internal affairs. This is while prominent human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have strongly criticized Al Khalifa regime for state crackdown on pro-democracy protests, including detention of activists, violent methods to disperse demonstrators, and a media blackout on rallies.

Protesters in Bahrain have held numerous demonstrations on the streets of the country, calling for the Al Khalifa family to relinquish power.

By Tasnim News Agency
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