17 Jun 2024
Friday 10 February 2023 - 23:28
Story Code : 404034

Congratulatory messages pour in on eve of Islamic Revolution anniversary

Congratulatory messages pour in on eve of Islamic Revolution anniversary
As Iran prepares to hold nationwide rallies on the 44thanniversary of the Islamic Revolution, messages have poured in from several world leaders, who felicitated the nation on overthrowing the US-backed Pahlavi regime.

In a message on Friday, Sultan of Oman Haitham bin Tarik extended his congratulations to Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres congratulated Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein AmirAbdollahian in a phone conversation on the same day.

In a congratulatory message, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang underscored the importance of improving mutual relations. He said Beijing was keen to implement principle agreements reached with Tehran to boost relations and push strategic partnership.

Malaysian Foreign Minister Zambry Abd Kadir also congratulated AmirAbdollahian over the historic event and hailed cordial relations between the two countries. He underscored the significance of further improvement of relations. The top Malaysian diplomat wished lasting progress and success for the two nations.

In a congratulatory message to AmirAbdollahian, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said Tehran and Jakarta enjoy great capacities to expand constructive relations. Marsudi expressed hope the two countries would bolster ties in all fields.

Secretary General of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Khusrav Noziri congratulated the Iranian foreign minister and said the Islamic Republic is an important member of the organization. He called for Iran's role in advancing the ECO's plans which aim to strengthen economic and social cooperation among regional countries.

The foreign ministers of Thailand, Hungary and Tajikistan also sent messages of felicitationto the top Iranian diplomat.

The Iranian nation overthrew the despotic regime of Pahlavi, which was fully supported by the United States in the winter of 1979. The struggle against the Shah regime reached full fruition on February 11, 1979.

By December 1978, millions of Iranians had taken to the streets in protest against the policies of the shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on a regular basis.

Imam Khomeini returned to Iran from exile on February 1, 1979. He was received by millions of people weeks after the departure of the shah in mid-January 1979.

The collapse of the Pahlavi regime became certain on February 11 when the military renounced its loyalty to the shah and joined the Revolution.



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