1 Jun 2024
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Judiciary Chief Sadeq Amoli Larijani appreciated the country's lawmakers for approving a bill on Tuesday which requires the government of President Rouhani to protect the countrys nuclear rights in its negotiations with the world powers.

"The nuclear negotiating team should be supported, and meantime, move within the framework of the Islamic Republic's redlines," Amoli Larijani said, addressing high-ranking Judiciary officials in a weekly meeting in Tehran on Wednesday.

He also hailed the Iranian parliament for approving the bill to safeguard the country's nuclear achievements, and said the nuclear negotiating team should use these supports and materialize the Islamic Republic's goals and plans.

213 Iranian legislators voted for the bill which also underlines the necessity for safeguarding the country's nuclear achievements as a redline that could never be crossed in the talks.

According to the bill, the results of Iran's nuclear talks with the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France plus Germany) are valid if the following requirements are met transparently:

The full and total removal of sanctions should be stated in the text of any agreement and should be implemented on the same day that Iran will start doing its undertakings.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is allowed to make routine and usual visits to the nuclear sites, while access to the military, security and sensitive non-nuclear places is forbidden; the approvals of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) should be respected.

No limitation is accepted in achieving the know-how of the peaceful nuclear technology and Research and Development (R&D) and the approvals of the SNSC should be respected.

Note 1- Based on articles 77 and 125 of the Constitution, the results of the negotiations should be presented to the parliament.

Note 2- The foreign minister is required to report the trend of the implementation of the agreement to the parliament every 6 months; the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission will report the same trend to the parliament members every 6 months.

After nine days of hard work in Lausanne, Switzerland, Iran and the G5+1 reached an understanding on April 2 which laid the ground for them to start drafting the final nuclear deal over Tehran's nuclear energy program ahead of a July 1 deadline.

Reading out a joint statement at a press conference with Mogherini in Lausanne on April 2, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said according to the agreement, all the US, EU and UN Security Council sanctions against Iran would be lifted under the final deal.

Talks are underway among the delegations of the seven nations to draft the final deal.

By Fars News Agency
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