Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani says the country's export of military products and services has been tripled over the past 33 months.
Press TV - Footage has beenreleased of how the Iranian Armys air defenses locked in on an intruding F-18 fighter jet approaching the countrys southern waters and decisivelywarned it off, promptingmilitary experts and media to speculate about which Iranian radar system was used to intercept the warplane.
In the video, the Boeing F-18 Super Hornet ...
Tasnim The Iranian Armys fighter jets staged an aerial drill, flying over the capital, Tehran, in preparation for the National Army Day ceremonies due to be held across the country on Thursday.
The bomber fighters of the Army performed the flyover during a ceremony in Tehran on Tuesday attended by Commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force ...
MNA Member of National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of Iranian Parliament Mohammad Ebrahim Rezaei says that some countries are negotiating with Iran to buy Iranian defense and military products.
Speaking to Mehr News agency, Rezaie said Iran's defensive and military capabilities are competitive with the advanced countries of ...