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Weekly report: Iran says not to let US threaten Persian Gulf

5 May 2019 - 12:57

May 5, The Iran Project – Iran’s Leader visits Tehran Intl. Book Fair; Iran Navy marks Persian Gulf day; US will see Iran keeping oil exports: President Rouhani; IRGC senior commander warns US against any hostile move; Defense Minister: Iran’s power in Hormuz Strait not confined to vessels; Iran FM Zarif criticizes John Bolton’s ‘chronic warmogering’; Iran to give appropriate response to US illegal measures; ’By executing 2030 agenda, they seek to train soldiers for US and UK: Leader; Iran won’t let US threaten Persian Gulf Security: FM Zarif; Iran, Iraq commanders meet in Tehran; Iranian president underlines further reinvigoration of defense power; FM Zarif: War btw. Iran, US not imminent, but “accidents can happen”; Iran urges Bahrain to ‘know its place’ before making threats; Leader appoints new Hajj org. head; US extends nuclear waivers for Iran, but with limits; FM Zarif travel to Doha and meeting with senior officials; US sanctions on Iran oil doomed to failure: Defense min.; Iran to continue nuclear enrichment despite US move-parliament speaker; Nuclear industry improving despite sanctions: Salehi and EU voices concern over US sanctions on Iran are among major headlines dominated the country’s media outlets in the past week (April 29 – May 5).


Zarif interviews in NY disproved US’ unfounded claims: FM spox

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi said Sun. that Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s interviews with American media during his stay in New York have refuted the unfounded claims by the US officials against him.


Iran’s Leader visits Tehran Intl. Book Fair

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei paid a visit to the 32nd Tehran International Book Fair at the Grand Mosalla of Tehran on Mon. morning.


Iran, Russia to hold joint naval drill

Iran’s Navy commander unveiled plans for a joint naval drill with Russia in the coming months.


VP urges global community to appose US sanctions on health sector

Iran’s First Vice-President Es’hagh Jahangiri has called on the global community to stand up against the US’ unilateral sanctions, which have affected the country’s medical sector.


Larijani says EU loses credibility over procrastination

Iranian Majlis (Parliament) speaker Ali Larijani said on Monday that EU lost credibility over procrastination about setting up special bank ties to support trade with Iran.


Negotiations with US as good as giving in: Gen. Soleimani

IRGC Quds Force Commander Major General Ghasem Soleimani said that the United States aims to draw Iran to the negotiation table with increased economic pressure, but the Iranian nation will not give in.


Supreme Leader: Freedom of speech restricted in West

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, while touring Tehran International Book Fair on Monday, urged the publishers to shrug off western claims about restrictions on freedom of speech in the country.


INSTEX seeks to conduct 1st transaction with Iran at earliest time: chairman

The managing director of EU financial channel for trade with Iran under US sanctions Per Fischer has reportedly expressed the readiness of its company to conduct fist transaction with Iran at the earliest time.


US will see Iran keeping oil exports: President Rouhani

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday poured cold water to hot statements of US officials by saying that Iran will keep on oil exports and the US will find out that it was ‘a mistake’ to think that Iranian oil exports can be halted.


Warship decorated with Iranian flag to mark Persian Gulf Day

Iranian Warship was decorated with Iran’s flag in the Persian Gulf to mark the National Day of the Persian Gulf.


CENTCOM confirms IRGC video of US aircraft carrier in Persian Gulf

The United States Central Command (USCENTCOM or CENTCOM) has confirmed an IRGC video that was published by the Tasnim News Agency on Saturday showing US warships being monitored in the Persian Gulf waters, south of Iran.


IRGC senior commander warns US against any hostile move

The IRGC Deputy Coordinator Admiral Ali Fadavi has warned of vigorous response against United States hostile actions.


Defense Minister: Iran’s power in Hormuz Strait not confined to vessels

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami highlighted the country’s power to protect its vital interests in the Strait of Hormuz, saying Iran’s dominant position in the strait is not founded on naval vessels alone, but involves missile capabilities as well.


FM Zarif departs for Doha to attend ACD meeting

The Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has left Tehran for Qatar’s capital of Doha to attend Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD).


President forwards Act of Counteraction to IRGC’s Designation as Terrorist Group by the US

In implementation of Article 123 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, President forwarded Act of Counteraction to IRGC’s Designation as Terrorist Group by the United States.


Iran FM Zarif criticizes John Bolton’s ‘chronic warmogering’

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif lashed out at US National Security Advisor John Bolton for “chronic warmongering” and “targeting Iranians with economic terrorism”, days after the two faced off in separate interviews on Fox News.


Iran dismisses US allegations on Stockholm Agreement

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi on Wednesday rejected all allegations made by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo against Iran about the procedure of Stockholm Agreement on Yemen.


Supreme Leader receives Iranian teachers

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received a group of teachers on Wednesday.


US ‘bullying behavior’ killing JCPOA, Iran’s deputy FM warns

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi warned that the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers is coming to an end due to the “bullying behavior of the US”.


By executing 2030 agenda, they seek to train soldiers for US and UK: Leader

As the National Teachers’ Day approaches, a group of teachers and education officials from across the country met with Ayatollah Khamenei—the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution—at the Hussayniyeh of Imam Khomeini this morning May 1, 2019.


Iran criticizes US plan to designate Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

Iran criticized a U.S. plan to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in Doha on Wednesday.


Zarif to Al Jazeera: You won’t find a single Iranian choosing to submit to US

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told Al Jazeera that not a single Iranian would ever choose to submit to the US pressure.


Pres. Rouhani inaugurates 13 projects in Kermanshah prov. worth 37 trillion rials

President Rouhani opened 12 construction and infrastructural projects in Kermanshah Province during his visit to the province on Wednesday.


President: No choice but to withstand enemy’s idle talks

President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that there is no choice but to resist illegitimate and illogical demands as well as idle talks of the enemies.


Zarif to Al Jazeera: You won’t find a single Iranian choosing to submit to US

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told Al Jazeera that not a single Iranian would ever choose to submit to the US pressure.


Iran, Iraq ranking commanders’ meeting in Tehran

Iranian Minister of Defense Brigadier General Amir Hatami met and held talks with visiting Iraqi Army’s delegation headed by commanders of its navy and air force.


Zarif hails his important talks in Qatar

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a message lauded his current visit to Qatar and underlined the importance of creating regional dialogue forum.


Iran UN envoy: US effort to misuse UN resolution 2231 are doomed to failure

Iran’s UN Ambassador Majid Takht-e Ravanchi said on Thursday that US attempt to misuse UNSC Resolution 2231 will go nowhere.


Iranian president underlines further reinvigoration of defense power

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stressed the need for the further strengthening of the country’s defense capabilities, saying that Tehran does not take permission from anyone to this end.


Zarif: Iran will never submit to US pressures

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says hard as it may be, Iran will never succumb to pressures being exerted on it by the United States.


FM Zarif: War btw. Iran, US not imminent, but “accidents can happen”

In an interview with British online newspaper The Independent, Iranian FM Zarif was quoted as saying although he doesn’t think war between Iran and the United States is imminent, “accidents can happen”.


US extends nuclear waivers for Iran, but with limits

The Trump administration is extending waivers that allow countries signed up to the Iran nuclear deal to participate in civil nuclear projects with Tehran, but it’s tightening the terms in an effort to increase pressure on the Iranian regime.


Iran urges Bahrain to ‘know its place’ before making threats

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman has downplayed the Bahraini foreign minister’s claim that Iran will not be allowed to close the Strait of Hormuz “even for a single day”, urging the Manama regime to “know its place” before making threats.


Iran’s Rouhani urges unity in face of US ‘war on hope’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday called for the country to “resist and unite” against US pressure in what he called a “war on hope” waged against the Islamic republic.


Leader appoints new Hajj org. head

Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed Hojjatoleslam Abdol-Fattah Navvab as the new Head of Iranian Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization in a message on Saturday.


IRGC forerunner in war on terror: Iran’s Defense minister

The Iranian Defense Minister lauded the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as the forerunner in the fight against terrorism in the Middle East.

US sanctions on Iran oil doomed to failure: Defense min.

Iranian Minister of Defense Amir Hatami voiced confidence that the US plans to drive Iran’s oil exports to zero will fail, saying the country’s many advances in defense industry took place under sanctions.

Nuclear industry improving despite sanctions: Salehi

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali-Akbar Salehi announced on Saturday that domestic nuclear industry is improving mightily despite the US sanctions.


Iran to continue nuclear enrichment despite US move-parliament speaker

Reuters – Iran will continue uranium enrichment under its nuclear deal with world powers, Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani was quoted as saying on Saturday, despite a U.S. move to stop it.


EU voices concern over US sanctions on Iran

The European Union (EU) and the foreign ministers of Britain, France and Germany in a joint statement on Saturday expressed their grave concern over the US’ new sanctions against Iran’s oil trade and peaceful nuclear projects.



Middle East’s biggest power plant to be built in central Iran: MP

Iran plans to construct a power plant in the central province of Markazi that would be the biggest in the Middle East in terms of generating electricity, a lawmaker announced.


US statements cannot run oil market: Zangeneh

Iranian Minster of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh said on Wednesday that the oil market could not be managed by mere US statements.


Samsung Electronics says rumours of impending departure from Iran are false

South Korean behemoth Samsung Electronics has denied rumours that it is leaving the Iranian market in the face of US sanctions imposed on Tehran and foreign companies that continue to do business with Iran, according to a Digiato magazine report published on April 24.


CBI head outlines steps taken to overcome US sanctions

IRNA – Governor of Central Bank (CBI) of Iran Abdolnasser Hemmati outlined the measures implemented to confront the outcomes of US economic pressures by controlling inflation as well as exchange market in the country.


CBI alloted €2bn for necessity goods, medicine since March

The Central Bank of Iran has allotted €2 billion for the purchase of necessity goods and medicine since the start of the Iranian year on March 21.


Regional Affairs

Yemeni forces fire 17 retaliatory missiles at Saudi Arabia’s Asir

Yemeni forces and allied fighters from Popular Committees have fired 17 missiles at Saudi Arabia’s southwestern Asir region in retaliation for the Saudi war on the impoverished Arab nation.


Saudis destabilizing Middle East, paying for US-Israeli crimes: Hezbollah official

The deputy secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has described Saudi Arabia as the root cause of instability in the Middle East, stating that the incumbent regime in Riyadh is sponsoring fiendish US and Israeli crimes in the region.


Video purportedly shows Daesh ringleader after 5 years

The Takfiri terror group of Daesh has released a propaganda video purporting to show its ringleader Ibrahim al-Samarrai, aka Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, for the first time in five years.


Pompeo says US support for Saudi-led war on Yemen is ‘in America’s best interest’

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has defended US support for the Saudi-led war on Yemen, saying it is ‘in America’s best interest”.


Israel conducts fresh airstrikes on Gaza, kills two Palestinians

Israeli warplanes have carried out fresh air raids on the blockaded Gaza Strip, killing two Palestinians and injuring several others.



Official: Iran among first states using non-military drones

Iran has been among the first countries that has come to make use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for non-military purposes since years ago when these types of aircraft were developed, a senior academic official said.


7th World Health Summit Regional Meeting kicks off on Kish

The 7th World Health Summit Regional Meeting hosted by the Islamic Republic of Iran was inaugurated on Monday morning on the Persian Gulf island of Kish.


Tunnel blast kills 3 in Iran

Explosion in a road tunnel under construction in northern Iran killed at least three workers.


‘Payam 2’ development project to start by late May: ISA chief

The experts at the Tehran-based Amirkabir University of Technology will start the development project of a telecommunication satellite dubbed ‘Payam 2’ by late May, a senior official said.


Ramadan moon sighting 2019 in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel

The Levantine belt, including other parts of the Persian Gulf, will attempt to sight the Ramadan 2019 crescent today. The Hilal Committees in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel will look for the Ramadan moon today evening. If the moon gets sighted, the fasts will begin from tomorrow. If the crescent remains invisible, the region will observe Ramadan from Monday. Stay tuned here for the live news and updates of Ramadan moon sighting in Middle East.



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