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AEOI spokesman: Russia to help Iran to build 2 new n. power plants

29 May 2014 - 15:52

Tehran, May 29, IRNA – Spokesman of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi announced that Tehran and Moscow will cooperate in building two new nuclear power plants in the Southern Bushehr province.
  ?We have decided to build two other power plants in Bushehr,? Kamalvandi said on Wednesday night.
Kamalvandi noted that the capacity of each of the power plants will be 1,000 megawatts.

?The negotiations with Russia for construction of new nuclear power plants dates back to 22 years when the two sides signed a contract to construct 4 new power plants, including the current Bushehr Atomic Power Plant,? the AEOI spokesman said.

Asked about the news on construction of 4 new nuclear power plants, Kamalvandi responded that it is the same contract signed with the Russians and its preliminary studies have also been conducted, and said, ?But we have construction of two power plants on agenda at the moment.?



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