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Iran English language newspaper headlines on Wednesday, 25-09-2013

25 Sep 2013 - 12:36

Iran Daily
Rouhani attends UN Assembly Meeting
President Hassan Rouhani has arrived in New York to attend the 68th annual session of the UN General Assembly and deliver a speech before the world leaders.

EU FMs welcome Zarif stance warmly
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif held his first meeting with his British counterpart William Hague since President Hassan Rouhani was elected.

Obama: Diplomatic path must be tested with Iran
US President Barack Obama said in a speech at UN General Assembly on Tuesday that ‘the diplomatic path must be tested’ with Iran.

Rouhani to relay Iran message of peace
President Hassan Rouhani will convey the Iranian nation’s message of peace during his visit to New York to attend the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly, said the Foreign Ministry on Thursday.

Hezbollah denies receiving chemical weapons from Syria
Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah denied on Monday that his group had received chemical weapons from Syria. Last month, members of the so-called Syrian National Coalition opposition group accused President Bashar Al-Assad of transferring chemical weapons to the Lebanese group to avoid inspection after agreeing to put them under international control, Reuters reported.

Oil theft in Nigeria rampant
In Nigeria, stolen crude oil flows out of the Niger Delta at breathtaking rates, landing in markets around the world. A new study by London-based think tank Chatham House said it is not just the Nigerian authorities that are to blame.

Esteqlal targeting away goals against FC Seoul
Coach Amir Qalenoei has targeted an away goal when Iran champion Esteqlal meet South Korean counterpart FC Seoul in the first leg of their 2013 Asian Football Confederation Champions League semifinal at Seoul World Cup Stadium on Wednesday.

10 sites located for new nuclear plants
Head of Iran’s Nuclear Safety Center Naser Rastkhah said on Monday that more than ten sites have been located for the construction of new nuclear power plants in the country.

MP: Turkey position on Iran realistic 
A senior lawmaker said on Monday that recent statements by Turkish President Abdullah Gul about Iran’s key role in Syria shows Ankara’s “realistic” view of Tehran.

Teharn Times
India should import more oil from Iran: ministry
India's oil ministry wants to raise imports of Iranian crude - even though U.S. sanctions call for a cut - and has argued its case in a memorandum ahead of U.S.

Russia says talks with U.S. on Syria "not going smoothly"
Russia is concerned that talks with the United States on Syria are not going very smoothly and says the chemical weapons deal may have only delayed U.S.

Obama says U.S. respects Iran’s right to nuclear energy
In closely watched remarks on Iran, U.S. President Barack Obama told world leaders gathered in New York that Washington respects Iran’s right to peaceful nuclear energy -- words rarely spoken by U.S. o?cials since the beginning of the West’s stando? with Iran over its nuclear program.

Militants from 49 states fighting in Syria: U.S. agency
Approximately 130,000 nonSyrian armed militia belonging to 49 nationalities have come to Syria to ?ght against the Syrian government.

‘Rouhani will deliver Iran’s message of peace to the world’
During his ?ve-day stay in New York, President Hassan Rouhani will send the Iranian nation’s message of peace to the world based on “constructive interaction”, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Aham told a news brie?ng on Tuesday.

Chemical arms charge, laughable accusation: Nasrallah
Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah denied Monday claims his group had received a large quantity of chemical weapons from Syria and urged Persian Gulf countries not to gamble on a military solution to the con?ict in Lebanon’s neighbor, Daily Star reported.

Spinning CDs to clean sewage water
Audio CDs, all the rage in the '90s, seem increasingly obsolete in a world of MP3 ?les and iPods, leaving many music lovers with the question of what to do with their extensive compact disk collections.

Britain is open to better ties with Iran, Hague tells Zarif
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif held his first meeting with British Foreign Secretary William Hague since President Hassan Rouhani was elected.

Iran ready to help reinforce Iraqi army: defense minister
Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan has said that Iran is ready to help reinforce the Iraqi army.

Tunisia’s Marzouki wants Iran to help end Syrian crisis
Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki on Monday asked Iran to help broker a political solution to the civil war in Syria that has killed more than 100,000 people.

Iranian, Syrian Parliament speakers discuss Syria crisis
Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani held a telephone conversation with his Syrian counterpart Mohammad Jihad al-Laham on Tuesday and hailed the Syrian people’s resistance against foreign plots.

Talks will give a sense of the road ahead with the new Iranian government, U.S. says
Planned talks this week between Iran and six world powers including the United States may show whether Tehran is serious about resolving a dispute over its nuclear program, a senior U.S. o?cial said on Monday, Reuters reported.

Story Code: 52848

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