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Saudi Arabia foreign minister on first Iran visit after thaw in relations

17 Jun 2023 - 22:00

Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan is has arrived in Tehran on the first visit since the two West Asian powers agreed to restore ties following a seven-year of severing ties.

At the head of a high-ranking delegation, Farhan was welcomed by Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian upon his arrival on Saturday.

The two diplomats are expected to meet within a few hours before a news conference. Farhan will also meet President Ebrahim Raeisi, as well as other senior Iranian officials.

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed in Beijing on March 10 to resume relations and reopen diplomatic missions within two months.

In a joint statement after signing the agreement, Tehran and Riyadh placed a premium on the need to respect the national sovereignty and refrain from interfering in the domestic affairs of one another.

They also agreed to implement a security cooperation agreement signed in April 2001 and another accord reached in May 1998 to enhance economic, commercial, investment, technical, scientific, cultural, sports, and youth affairs cooperation.

Earlier, some sources raised the possibility of the reopening of the Saudi embassy in Tehran during Prince Faisal’s visit.

Iran has officially reopened its embassy in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh.

By Press TV

Story Code: 406662

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