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Africa is a land of golden opportunities

2 Apr 2022 - 18:07

Referring to his visit to the African continent, the spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Islamic Republic's commitment to a prosperous Africa is unbreakable.

Khatibzadeh traveled to the African countries of Senegal, Ghana and Sierra Leone in the past few days.

According to Iran press, Saeed Khatibzadeh, the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, wrote on his Twitter account on Saturday that the visit to Ghana and Sierra Leone was the culmination of a very fruitful and inspiring diplomatic tour in Africa; calling Africa as a continent of golden opportunities.

The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Minister added: "Proud of decades-long presence of Iran's Red Crescent & development projects there. Our commitment to a prosperous Africa remains unwavering."



By Iran Press

Story Code: 395224

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