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Iran not to tolerate any political blow to JCPOA: President Rouhani

1 Jul 2020 - 15:25

IRNA – Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that the US blow to Iran nuclear deal – known as JCPOA – has so far had an economic shape but if it wants to strike a political blow to the accord, Iran will not tolerate it and will take decisive actions.

Speaking during a cabinet session, the President said that the UNSC session last night was the scene of US defeat against Iran.

Iran has been the target of Washington’s illegal and anti-human rights measures since the new government took to power in the US some three and a half years ago, Rouhani said.

The Americans may imagine they have been successful in exerting further pressure on the Iranian nation, while they have been repeatedly defeated politically, legally and morally over the past three and a half years, he added.

Americans have suffered two major political defeats over the past recent weeks, the president said, noting that all the other members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) are somehow against a US draft resolution against Iran.

As another defeat to the US last night in the UNSC session, Rouhani added, all the member states except for the US itself expressed support for JCPOA.

They have always been defeated both legally and morally and today they suffered another defeat, Rouhani said.

He said that Iran is ready to return to its commitments under JCPOA on the very day or moment the other side of the deal accepts to honor its pledges.

If the 4+1 member states fulfill their commitments tomorrow, Iran will act reciprocally on the same day, the president said.

Story Code: 378804

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