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Zarif: Iran regards Russia as long-term partner

8 May 2019 - 17:34

IRNA – Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Wednesday that Tehran regards Moscow as its long-term partner, adding that for the same reason he has personally brought the letter of Iranian president for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Zarif made the remarks in a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Moscow.

Referring to the US disloyalty, Zarif said, 'I am very happy to meet you for over 20 times and would like to seize the opportunity to express condolences on behalf of the Iranian nation and its government on recent air crash in Russia.'

'We are also thankful for your cooperation and assistance in dealing with devastating flood in Iran,' he said.

'In the meantime, as we are approaching the victory anniversary of Russia, we would like to congratulate you this occasion.'

A year ago and in such a day, the United States of America pulled out of the JCPOA and the UNSC resolution 2231 and even prevented others to fully observe the resolution, Zarif said.

'We have exercised patience following the request made by our friends such as Russia and other members of the G4+1,' Zarif said.

It is noteworthy to remind you that from 'our perspective the G4+1 is regarded as one unit; therefore, we have forwarded them all one common letter' but it does not mean that we regard them identical, he said.

Iran regards Russia and China (mainly Russia) as its own long-term partner whose bilateral and international relations with Iran defers with others, he said, adding that for the same reason 'I have brought the letter of the Iranian president for Russian President Vladimir Putin'.

'We waited for one year, our friends in China and Russia maintained their good relations with us, but in some cases they were not as we expect,' Zarif said.

Other members of the JCPOA did not remain committed to their pledges, he said, adding that some very good statements were issued, but there was no action, consequently the US slapped new sanctions which created problems for sound implementation of the JCPOA.

Iran's measure was in line with the JCPOA's framework and it does not mean that the country has pulled out from it, or has adopted an irrevocable move, Zarif said.

Iran's foreign minister arrived in Moscow on Tuesday to confer with the country's top officials on regional and global developments.

Story Code: 348146

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