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Navy commander: Iran's achievements 'can't be ingorned'

18 Feb 2019 - 23:25

IRNA - The world can’t ignore the achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran, says the Navy commander.

“The world can’t turn a blind eye to huge and numerous advantages of the Islamic Iran that goes along the experiences and big potentials of the past forty years,” said Brigadier General Hossein Khanzadi while addressing a ceremony in which a domestically-built submarine, called Fateh, joined the country’s naval fleet.

He added such armored military equipment, together with regional cooperation will bring about more maritime safety for both the region and the world.

The top naval official warned that Iran “won’t accept and tolerate the presence of any forces from outside in the region.”

Fateh (Conqueror, in Persian) is Iran’s most advanced domestically-built submarine. It’s equipped with sonar, electric drive, combined battle management, surface-to-surface guided missile guidance, torpedo guidance, electronic and telecommunication warfare, secure and integrated telecommunication systems and dozens of state-of-the-art systems.

Story Code: 339043

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