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No alternative to Iran’s gas import to Iraq: Spokesman

18 Nov 2018 - 10:41

IRNA - Spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Petroleum in response to the US pressure to cut gas imports from Iran said Iraqi government has no alternative to Iran's natural gas.

The spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Petroleum Asem Jahad in a televised interview said that there is currently no alternative to natural gas of Iran as Iran is the closest point to Iraq so that 'we can import gas'.

Iraq imports nearly 600 million cubic meters of gas from Iran, which is used to generate electricity, he added.

Asem Jahad emphasized that Iraq could not import this amount of gas from any neighboring country and there is no replacement for imported gas from Iran.

The Iraqi official said that the Iraqi Ministry of Petroleum is trying to increase domestic production in order to fully meet domestic requirements, but it will require at least three years achieving this level.

Story Code: 327119

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