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Iran seizes two intruding Saudi fishing vessels

2 Jun 2013 - 11:36

[caption id="attachment_30909" align="alignright" width="300"] Fishing boats are seen in front of oil tankers in the Persian Gulf waters.[/caption]
An Iranian naval commander says the country’s Coast Guard has seized two Saudi fishing boats that had intruded into Iran’s territorial waters near the southwestern province of Khuzestan.
Karam Reza Piriyayi, the commander of Mahshahr Coast Guard, said on Saturday that the two Saudi Arabian vessels had been seized on Friday.
“These two vessels with 10 Indian crewmembers on board were illegally fishing in the fishing areas of Khuzestan,” Piriyayi added.
The Iranian commander said that all crewmembers have been arrested and handed over to the country’s Judiciary.

In January, the Iranian Coast Guard also seized two Saudi fishing boats within the country’s territorial waters in the Persian Gulf.

The forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)’s Second Naval Zone captured another intruding Saudi vessel in December 2012.

By Press TV


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Story Code: 30908

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