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Massacre of innocent Yemeni children is big shame for US

27 Oct 2016 - 15:20

Qum, Oct 27, IRNA – A military adviser in Iran's Armed Forces Brigadier General Nasser Araste says scientific and industrial progress has resulted in weakening morality in the Western countries.

Addressing a ceremony for a group of war martyrs, Araste said 320 wars broke out in the 20th century, a century called by Americans and Europeans as the era of science, humanity and wisdom flourishment, and 250 million people were killed as a result.

He added that the statistics reveal an important scientific and research reality: The more we move ahead, the more wars break out and more fatalities come about as a result. “This means, morals have not developed in tandem with science.”

Absolutely, had humanity grown, the US, which possesses the highest amount of wealth and technology and whose economy is atop of the world’s economies, should have regarded killing of innocent children in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan as a shame, added the military official.


Story Code: 236678

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