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Commander: Persian Gulf under IRGC radar

5 Mar 2016 - 16:44

TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said the IRGC has all the vessels and warships passing through the Persian Gulf waters under its radar.

Speaking in a gathering in Qom on Friday, Fadavi said except Iran no other country is brave enough to capture the US Navy boats, adding that this is all because of the self-belief that the Islamic Revolution of 1979 has rendered for the nation.

Fadavi went on to state that the Saudis have launched an unjustified war on Yemen on behalf of the United States and Israel, adding, "The people of Yemen have successfully stood up against foreign invaders as they also have self-belief and that explains why the invaders have no intention to send ground troops there."

"Afghan, Iraqi, Pakistani, Lebanese, Syrian, and Iranian forces and military advisers are fighting foreign-backed terrorism and extremism in Syria as they also believe in the lofty principles of the Islamic Revolution," he added.

On January 31, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei conferred ‘Fath’ medal on Commander of the IRGC Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi as well as four others for detaining 10 US Marines who had trespassed on Iran’s territorial waters in early January.

Ayatollah Khamenei also agreed with promotions to other commanders and personnel involved in capturing the US Marines.

Fath (Conquest) Medal is a military award of the Iranian armed forces which is conferred by Commander-in-Chief (Supreme Leader of Iran). The medal is the likeness of three Palm leaves over Khorramshahr city's Grand Mosque (as a symbol of resistance), Flag of Iran and the word 'Fath'.

The first ever medals awarded to the Iranian militaries happened after the Iran-Iraq War on September 27, 1989. The first grade medals went to: Martyre Hossein Fahmideh, 13-year-old volunteer soldier of Basij, Mohsen Rezayee, the former IRGC commander, and Martyre Ali Sayyad Shirazi, the former army chief. In addition, 21 people received 2nd and 29 people received 3rd degree medals.

Ayatollah Khamenei also in a meeting with the IRGC Navy unit that detained the US marines praised their brave and swift reaction to the incident.

"You did an excellent job, which was an interesting and swift action," Ayatollah Khamenei said at the meeting with the IRGC Navy forces behind the January 12 operation.

"Certainly, it was the divine job that sent the Americans straying into our territorial waters only to be promptly captured with their hands behind their heads,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted at the time.

At the meeting, the Supreme Leader expressed admiration for the move, describing it as a "courageous" action that resulted from the "strong faith" of the IRGC forces.

On January 12, nine men and one woman from the US Navy strayed into the Iranian territorial waters near the Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf. They were immediately captured by the IRGC.

Their boats were equipped with 50mm caliber machine guns and other light and semi-heavy weapons. Many regional analysts have also praised the IRGC's brave reaction to the US aggression.

The IRGC freed the 10 a day later and after it was proved that they had strayed into the Iranian waters only due to the failure of their navigation devices and equipment.

Abdel Bari Atwan, the editor-in-chief of Rai al-Youm newspaper, hailed the move and said that he wished one of the Arab countries had ever dared to detain even one or two US forces for the extensive crimes they have committed against the regional people.

By Fars News Agency

Story Code: 204753

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